Bayesian analysis of longitudinal multilevel data using brms and rethinking - part 1
This is a tutorial and worked example, to illustrate how one can use the brms
and rethinking
R packages to perform a Bayesian analysis of longitudinal data in a multilevel/hierarchical/mixed-effects setup.
I wrote it mainly for my own benefit/learning (nothing forces learning a concept like trying to explain it.) Hopefully, others find it useful too.
It started out as a single post, then became too large and is now a multi-part series. The original series of posts, which I wrote in 2022 and continue to slightly update occasionally, consists of these parts:
- In part 1 (this post), I am introducing the setup and the models and use them to simulate data.
- In part 2, I fit the data to the models using the
R package. - In part 3, I repeat the fitting, but now using the
R package. - In part part 4, I show some some further explorations and alternatives of the models.
In 2024, I wrote a few additional posts on that topic:
- Part 5, re-implements one of the original models with
code. It also contains a few post-fitting additional diagnostic explorations. - Part 6, uses
and implements a larger main model that I briefly discuss in part 4. This sets the stage for part 7. - Part 7, implements an ODE-based model.
I generally place further resources and acknowledgments sections at the end. However, since this series seems to be expanding and the order in which one goes through the posts is a bit flexible, I’ll list some major resources right here at the beginning, before starting with the tutorial sequence. There are still links to additional resources spread throughout the posts.
Further resources
Pretty much all I learned and described here comes from Richard McElreath’s excellent book Statistical Rethinking. His courses are also great. I watched all lectures of his 2022 course. McElreath does everything using the rethinking
package, which he wrote. Solomon Kurz wrote an adaptation of the Statistical Rethinking book, which re-implements everything using brms
. This great resource can be found here.
For some more materials specifically on longitudinal data analysis, see this online book by Solomon Kurz, as well as the underlying textbook that his adaption is based on.
A good resource by Michael Clark, which discusses how to fit mixed (hierarchical/multilevel) models with R
in both a frequentist and Bayesian framework, can be found here.
Andrew Heiss also has a lot of good blog posts which cover fitting Bayesian models in R.
For more advanced materials, check out Michael Betancourt’s writings.
I mention some other resources throughout the text.
In addition to the resources I just listed, I want to mention my (at the time of this writing) PhD students Yang Ge and Zane Billings, who helped me work and think through this material and clear up some of my at times confused ideas. Jonathan French spotted a typo in my data generation code which led to initial model results that made no sense (now they make more sense) and provided additional useful feedback.
I am starting to feel somewhat comfortable with that whole Bayesian/multilevel/partial pooling business. But I am still not sure I fully, truly understand every aspect. Or maybe I should say that I am sure I don’t fully understand 😄. It still seems a bit magical at times. Maybe it is just like quantum mechanics (back in the days when I was a physics PhD student): Once you’ve solved the Schroedinger equation often enough, you get a feeling of “understanding”, but I’m not sure full understanding happens – at least it never did for me. Maybe that’s as much as I can expect from Bayesian multilevel modeling too 😁.
Thus, it is quite possible the following posts contain thinking (or coding) mistakes. If you spot any, I’d appreciate feedback. And with that disclaimer out of the way, let’s get the tutorial started.
I was trained as a Physicist, and I never formally learned statistics. My statistical mechanics courses were the most stats-type instruction I received. The joke in physics is that if you need statistics to analyze your data, you should have done a better experiment. And I was doing theoretical physics anyway, so no data was touched or harmed for my PhD thesis 😁.
That is all to say, the stats I know is self-taught. I started learning some stats during my postdoc, and once I started my faculty position in an Epidemiology & Biostatistics department, I picked up more.
I have always been drawn to the Bayesian perspective. It just seems to make most sense to me. However, frequentist material was (and still is) more ubiquitous and readily available. Thus, I picked up those approaches first and applied (and likely misapplied) them in various projects. But I’ve always been meaning to properly learn and use Bayesian approaches.
I finally had the combination of two PhD students with strong stats skills and interests, and exposure to Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath, which has put me on the - far from completed - path towards finally learning how to analyze data in a Bayesian framework.
Together with learning Bayesian methods, I’ve been learning the multilevel/hierarchical fitting approach, which is also new to me. This series of posts is a “thinking out loud” tutorial in which I walk through some of the stuff I learned so far.
The focus is on simulating and fitting longitudinal (panel, time-series) data in a multilevel framework using the rethinking
and brms
R packages.
There are of course other tutorials on this topic online. For instance Andrew Heiss has a nice one here (he has a lot of other good tutorials on his website). The problem for me is that he only uses brms
and often doesn’t fully specify the model/priors. And that’s a step too advanced for me, I need to see every small baby step 😄.
So to teach myself how this all works and how to do it in R, I created some simulated data and code to fit it. For my own future reference, and maybe also for others, here is my write-up/tutorial.
Who this is (not) for
If you are completely new to Bayesian analyses, this might be too advanced. I’m trying to go slow, but I don’t explain everything. E.g., I assume you know some of the terminology and components of Bayesian models (e.g., prior, likelihood, posterior, chains.) I also assume you have a bit of familiarity with the general ideas of statistical model fitting (e.g., distributions, parameters). If you are new to all of this, I very strongly recommend the above mentioned Statistical Rethinking book. The book unfortunately only exists in a paid (and not cheap) version, but if you really want to learn this material, I think it’s worth the investment.
If you are an experienced Bayesian multilevel modeler, you’ll likely won’t learn anything here either. You can still keep reading and then (gently) let me know all the things I got wrong or could do better 😁 - I’m still learning that stuff myself and appreciate feedback!
The overall setup
The data that motivated this tutorial and that I have in mind here is virus load measured over time for individuals who were infected (challenged) with virus inoculum at different doses (3 for this specific case, but that doesn’t really matter). To make this specific, here is a preview of the kind of simulated data we’ll produce and explore, namely time-series of virus load measurements for a few individuals who received a virus challenge with three different virus doses (H = high (1000), M = medium (100), L = low (10)). Note that while I’m showing the dose in the plot as discrete categories, throughout this example we work with the actual, numerical value for the amounts of virus given (in our example, 10/100/1000 units). If you are curious to see an alternative modeling and analysis approach that treats the dose as unordered or ordered categories, see this separate post.
Your (and my future) data and questions will likely be different, but the overall setup is common and thus the ideas I describe here might still apply. Basically, if you have some quantity of interested that is measured over time (longitudinally) for
Building the models
In the following, we consider several models that can be used to both simulate data, and then fit that simulated data.
For our notation,
Model for outcome (the likelihood)
For our scenario, the outcome of interest (the log of the virus load) is continuous, which we assume to be normally distributed. Note that this is technically never fully correct, since there is some lower limit of detection for the virus load, which would lead to a truncation at low values. (A similar upper limit of detection does at times also occur.) If you have such censored data, you have to decide what to do about them. Here, we assume for simplicity that all values are far away from any limits, such that a normal distribution is a good approximation.
Making this normal distribution assumption, the equation describing the outcome (the likelihood model) is
Note that you could assume a different distribution, based on the specifics of your data. For instance, if you had a time-series of counts, you could use a Poisson distribution. Some of the details would then change, e.g., you wouldn’t have a mean and standard deviation in your model, but instead a rate. But the overall setup described here will still work the same way.
Model for deterministic trajectories
Next, we need to describe the underlying deterministic time-series model for the outcome.
There are different ways for choosing this part of the model. If you have enough information about your system to propose a mechanistic/process model, it is generally the best idea to go with such a model. Unfortunately, this is rare. Further, process models for time-series data are often implemented as differential equations, and those can take a very long time to fit.
A more common approach is to model the overall pattern in the data with some type of phenomenological/heuristic function, chosen to match the data reasonably well. Generalized linear models (GLM), such as linear or logistic models, fall into that category. Here, we use such a phenomenological function, but a GLM won’t describe the pattern in our data (rapid virus growth, followed by decline). Therefore, we use an equation that gets us the shape we are looking for. For our simple example here, I choose a function that grows polynomially and declines exponentially with time. To be clear, this function doesn’t try to represent any real processes or mechanisms, it is simply chosen as an easy way to capture the general pattern seen in the virus load time-series. This is very similar to the use of GLMs or other standard models, which often work well at describing the overall pattern, without assuming a mechanistic process leading to the relation between predictor and outcome assumed by the GLM.
The equation for our model is given by
You can convince yourself with the following bit of code that this function, for the right values of
= seq(0.1,30,length=100) #simulating 30 days, don't start at 0 to avoid 0/inf in plot
t = 20; beta = 2; #just some values to show shape
alpha = log(t^alpha*exp(-beta*t)) #log virus load
mu plot(t,mu, type = "l",ylim=c(0,30)) #looks somewhat like virus load in acute infections
The simple function I use here is in fact not that great for most real data, and better functions exist. See part 4 of this tutorial, where I show a more complex 4-parameter function, the one we actually used for our research problem. But to keep things somewhat simple here, I’m sticking with the 2-parameter function. It is fully sufficient to illustrate all the conceptual ideas I want to discuss. It can give us time-series which look somewhat similar to real virus load data often seen in acute infections. Of course, you need to pick whatever function describes your data reasonably well.
Numerical trickeries
Let’s go on a brief detour and discuss an important topic that comes up often.
In the equation for Stan
through rethinking
and brms
) can be told that some parameters are only positive. You’ll see that in action later. But with different software, that might not be possible. Further, as you’ll also see below, we don’t actually fit Stan
A general trick is to redefine parameters and rewrite the model to ensure positivity. Here, we can do that by exponentiating the parameters
Another alternative would be to enforce positive
One issue with that exponentiation approach is that it can sometimes produce very large or very small numbers and lead to numerical problems. For instance, if during the fitting the solver tries R
sets it to 0. Similarly, if the solver happens to explore R
can’t handle and sets to Infinity. (Try by typing exp(-10 * exp(10))
or 10^exp(10)
into the R console). In both cases, the result will not make sense and can lead to the numerical routine either completely failing and aborting with an error, or at a minimum wasting computational time by having to ignore those values. (Stan
is good at usually not completely breaking and instead ignoring such nonsensical results, but one can waste a lot of computational time.)
Numerical issues like this one are not uncommon and something to always be aware of. To minimize such problems with very large/small numbers, one can often use algebraic (logarithm, exponent, etc.) rules and rewrite the equations. In our case, we can rewrite as
Modeling the main model parameters
Ok, now let’s get back to building the rest of our model. So far, we specified an equation for the virus load trajectory
The latter assumption is in fact our main scientific question. We want to know if the dose someone receives has a systematic impact on the virus load trajectories. At the same time, we want to allow for variation between individuals. We could also consider a model that allows the impact of dose to be different for every individual. With enough data, that might seem feasible. But here, we assume we have limited data. (Of course, this is just simulated data, so it is as large as we want it to be. But for the real research project which motivates this tutorial, we only have data on 20 individuals.) We also really want to focus on the overall, population-level, effect of dose, and are less interested to see if there is variation of dose effect among individuals.
It is not clear how to best model the potential impact of inoculum dose. We really don’t have much biological/scientific intuition. Without such additional insight, a linear assumption is generally a reasonable choice. We thus model the main parameters
In addition to the dose component, every individual can have their unique contribution to
Writing this in equation form gives
Note that if we were to fit this model in a frequentist framework, we would overfit (trying to estimate too many parameters). That is because if every individual has their own
Some rescaling
Alright, time for another brief detour.
The model we have is ok. But as it is written right now, the parameters
It doesn’t mean the model is wrong, one can still fit it and get reasonable estimates. But interpretation of parameters, and thus choices for priors, might get trickier. In such cases, some transformation of the data/model can be useful.
A common approach is to adjust predictor variables by standardizing (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation). Here we do something slightly different. We subtract the log of the middle dose. We call that dose
The equations then become
Quick summary
At this stage in the model building process, our model as the following parts
The model parameters are
At this point, we could fit the model in either a Bayesian or frequentist framework. For either approach, we need to determine what (if any) additional structure we want to impose on the model parameters.
One approach is to not impose any further structure. We could make the assumption that every individual is completely different from each other, such that their outcomes do not inform each other. That would mean we allow values of
On the other extreme, we could instead assume that all individuals share the same parameter values, i.e.
An intermediate model - and usually the best approach - is one that neither allows the
Specifying priors
Since we are working in a Bayesian framework, our parameters need priors. We assume that for all models we discuss below, the parameters
The equations for our priors are
Model 1
Our first model is one that replicates the no pooling approach. In a Bayesian framework, such a no-pooling model can be implemented by making the priors for
In our example, we can accomplish this by ensuring
This choice for the priors leads to a Bayesian model similar to a frequentist no-pooling model.
Model 2
Now we’ll try to reproduce the full pooling model in a Bayesian framework. We could remove the individual-level variation by setting
If we set the
With these choices, we have a model that can find the mean for
Model 3
Ok, so we discussed that the no pooling model 1 is too flexible and thus likely overfits, the full pooling model 2 is too rigid and likely underfits. Why not build a model that has reasonable priors in between those two? That’s a good idea and it leads us to a partial pooling model.
We want priors for
The question is, how to set the priors? One option is to pick some values for
This approach of trial and error is reasonable, and we’ll use it here for our model 3. But it also feels a bit like ad-hoc. One might want to ask the question if there is another way to pick the priors. The answer is yes, which brings us to our next model.
Model 4
Instead of trying to pick values for the priors manually (again, nothing wrong with that, but maybe not always optimal), one can let the data determine the priors. That approach involves estimating each of the parameters that specify the priors for
The parameters
What now happens is that as we fit the model, our priors for
This model is a partial pooling model like model 3, but now the pooling is determined adaptively by the data. This leads to a happy intermediate between the too-rigid full-pooling model and the too-flexible no-pooling model. This kind of model is often the best choice.
Ok, those were a lot of steps, so to have it all in one place, here are the models again, now shown with equations and with all components in one place.
All models have these parts:
For model 1, we set the parameters describing the distribution for
For model 2, we set the standard deviations to a very small value and give the mean parameters somewhat flexible distributions. These work:
As mentioned, an alternative for model 2, which I’ll call model 2a, is to reduce the parameters from 2N to 2 and specify these priors for what are now population-level only parameters, like this:
For model 3, we set values that lead to priors that are reasonably intermediate between the model 1 too flat and model 2 too narrow priors. These work:
Finally, model 4 has distributions for all 4 parameters. These work for our example
Simulating data
So far, we’ve specified some mathematical/statistical models. It’s now time to implement them in R
. We’ll use these models both for fitting data (in the next parts of this tutorial) and for simulating data, which we are doing now. This involves translating the models into R
code, then running them to simulate data. I’ll show the code with explanations and commentary in the following sections.
Note that we can use any of the models to both generate simulated data, and to fit the simulated data. The model used for data generation and fitting it do not need to be the same. We’ll look at that more as we go along. The following code produces simulated data for (some of) the models.
It’s often useful to go slow and type your own code, or copy and paste the code chunks below and execute one at a time. However, if you are in a hurry, you can find the code shown below in this file.
Package loading
Load required packages.
General settings
## General settings
set.seed(123) #for reproducibility
# days at which we assume outcome is measured
<- c(0.1,1,3,5,7,10,14,21,28,35,42)
#different number of individuals per dose to make it clearer which is which
#also, that's the structure of the data which motivated the tutorial
= 7; Nmed = 8; Nhigh = 9;
Nlow = "simdat.Rds"
filename = "simdat.csv"
filenamecsv #if you want to explore how model fitting changes if you increase sample size
#turn on this line of code
#this is used in part 4 of the tutorial
#Nlow = 70; Nmed = 80; Nhigh = 90; filename = "simdat_big.Rds"
= Nlow + Nmed + Nhigh; #total number of individuals
# Set values for dose
# since we only consider dose on a log scale
# we'll log transform right here and then always use it in those log units
= log(1000)
high_dose = log(100)
med_dose = log(10)
low_dose = c(rep(low_dose,Nlow),rep(med_dose,Nmed),rep(high_dose,Nhigh))
dosevec # we are also creating a version of the dose variable
# that consists of ordered categories instead of numeric values
# we'll use that mostly for plotting
= ordered(c(rep("low", Nlow),
dosevec_cat rep("medium",Nmed),
## Setting parameter values
I chose fairly low sample sizes, with less than 10 individuals for each dose group. This is motivated by the real data I have in mind, which has similar sample sizes. Of course, more data is generally better. In part 4 of the tutorial I play around a bit with fitting larger samples.
Setting parameter values
The parameters
For the estimation procedure (see part 2), we assume that those parameters follow the distributions shown above. We could sample a single value for each of them from such a distribution. But to reduce variability and to more easily compare estimated parameters to those used to simulate the data, I’m setting them to specific values, which you can conceptually think of as being a single sample from the distributions we discussed above. It makes sense to chose their means as the value to use.
= 1
sigma = 0.1
a1 = -0.1 b1
Now well get values for the other parameters. For model 1, we have
= 3
m1_mua = 1
m1_mub = 1
m1_sigmaa = 1
m1_sigmab = rnorm(n=Nind, m1_mua, m1_sigmaa)
m1_a0 = rnorm(n=Nind, m1_mub, m1_sigmab)
m1_b0 # saving main parameters
= c(sigma = sigma, a1 = a1, b1 = b1,
m1pars a0_mu = m1_mua, b0_mu = m1_mub)
Note a few things here. First, the priors are narrower than I specified above. As you will see in the figures below, even with these less wide priors, results for model 1 still look way too variable. We can use the wider priors when we fit the model, to allow the data to dominate the fits. But for data generation, going too wild/wide seems pointless.
Second, you noticed that I did sample from distributions for the
Lastly, I’m saving the parameters in a vector which will be added to the generated data so we can keep track of the parameters that were used to generate the data, and compare later with the estimates from the models.
Ok, now for model 2. We have 2 versions, model 2a collapses the individual-level parameters into a single population one. We’ll explore that model when doing the fitting, for simulating the data I’m just going with model 2.
= 3
m2_mua = 1
m2_mub = 0.0001
m2_sigmaa = 0.0001
m2_sigmab = rnorm(n=Nind, m2_mua, m2_sigmaa)
m2_a0 = rnorm(n=Nind, m2_mub, m2_sigmab)
m2_b0 = c(sigma = sigma, a1 = a1, b1 = b1,
m2pars a0_mu = m2_mua, b0_mu = m2_mub)
Finally, model 3 with priors that have a width between those of model 1 and model 2.
= 3
m3_mua = 1
m3_mub = 0.1
m3_sigmaa = 0.1
m3_sigmab = rnorm(n=Nind, m3_mua, m3_sigmaa)
m3_a0 = rnorm(n=Nind, m3_mub, m3_sigmaa)
m3_b0 = c(sigma = sigma, a1 = a1, b1 = b1,
m3pars a0_mu = m3_mua, b0_mu = m3_mub)
Note that for the purpose of simulating data, model 4 is basically the same as model 3. We would need to sample (or pick) values for the parameters
Overall, when generating data, we can go through all steps of sampling from each specified distribution to get values. Nothing wrong with that. But if we change the random seed, values change. And it is harder to compare the parameters used to generate the data with those that are estimated. Thus, it is generally easier during the data generation process to assume conceptually that values correspond to samples from distributions, but then set the values manually. Above, we used that approach for most parameters. We did sample the
Creating simulated data
Now we can combine the parameters as specified in the equations above to get simulated trajectories for each individual, for each of the models. We just need to add the parameters together in the way prescribed by the model to get to the outcome. This is a nice feature of Bayesian models, that you can run them both “forward” to generate data given parameter values, and “backward” to estimate parameter values, given the data. Because of that feature, Bayesian models are generative models.
Here is the code that computes the mean and the outcome for model 1, the wide model.
= m1_a0 + a1*(dosevec - med_dose)
m1_alpha = m1_b0 + b1*(dosevec - med_dose)
m1_beta #doing matrix multiplication to get time-series for each individual
#for that to work, the timevec vector needs to be transposed
= exp(m1_alpha) %*% t(log(timevec)) - exp(m1_beta) %*% t(timevec)
m1_mu # apply variation following a normal distribution to each data point
= rnorm(length(m1_mu),m1_mu, sigma)
m1_y # in a final step, we reorganize the data into a long data frame with
# columns id, time, dose, model,
# the deterministic mean mu, and the normally distributed outcome.
# We store dose in 3 versions, the original (log transformed one),
# the one that has the middle value subtracted, and a categorical one.
# Note that trick using sort to get time in the right order.
# Not a robust way of doing things, but works here
<- data.frame(id = rep(1:Nind,length(timevec)),
m1_dat dose = rep(dosevec,length(timevec)),
dose_adj = rep(dosevec,length(timevec))-med_dose,
dose_cat = rep(dosevec_cat,length(timevec)),
time = sort(rep(timevec,Nind)),
mu = as.vector(m1_mu),
outcome = as.vector(m1_y),
model = "m1")
Now we just repeat the same code again for the other models.
#model 2
= m2_a0 + a1*(dosevec - med_dose)
m2_alpha = m2_b0 + b1*(dosevec - med_dose)
m2_beta = exp(m2_alpha) %*% t(log(timevec)) - exp(m2_beta) %*% t(timevec)
m2_mu = rnorm(length(m2_mu),m2_mu, sigma)
m2_y <- data.frame(id = rep(1:Nind,length(timevec)),
m2_dat dose = rep(dosevec,length(timevec)),
dose_adj = rep(dosevec,length(timevec))-med_dose,
dose_cat = rep(dosevec_cat,length(timevec)),
time = sort(rep(timevec,Nind)),
mu = as.vector(m2_mu),
outcome = as.vector(m2_y),
model = "m2")
#model 3
= m3_a0 + a1*(dosevec - med_dose)
m3_alpha = m3_b0 + b1*(dosevec - med_dose)
m3_beta = exp(m3_alpha) %*% t(log(timevec)) - exp(m3_beta) %*% t(timevec)
m3_mu = rnorm(length(m3_mu),m3_mu, sigma)
m3_y <- data.frame(id = rep(1:Nind,length(timevec)),
m3_dat dose = rep(dosevec,length(timevec)),
dose_adj = rep(dosevec,length(timevec))-med_dose,
dose_cat = rep(dosevec_cat,length(timevec)),
time = sort(rep(timevec,Nind)),
mu = as.vector(m3_mu),
outcome = as.vector(m3_y),
model = "m3")
Plotting the simulated data
To ensure our simulated data makes sense, let’s plot what we produced. These lines of code create plots for each model/simulated dataset.
<- ggplot(m1_dat) +
p1 geom_line(aes(x=time, y=mu, col = dose_cat, group = id)) +
geom_point(aes(x=time, y=outcome, col = dose_cat)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-30,200)) +
labs(y = "Outcome (log virus load)", x = "Time (days)") +
<- ggplot(m2_dat) +
p2 geom_line(aes(x=time, y=mu, col = dose_cat, group = id)) +
geom_point(aes(x=time, y=outcome, col = dose_cat)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-30,50)) +
labs(y = "Outcome (log virus load)", x = "Time (days)") +
<- ggplot(m3_dat) +
p3 geom_line(aes(x=time, y=mu, col = dose_cat, group = id)) +
geom_point(aes(x=time, y=outcome, col = dose_cat)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-30,50)) +
labs(y = "Outcome (log virus load)", x = "Time (days)") +
Now, let’s plot the simulated data. For each plot, the lines show the deterministic mean trajectory, and the symbols show the outcomes, which have some extra variation on top, determined by the value of
#save a plot so we can use it in the blog post
#ggsave(file = paste0("featured.png"), p3, dpi = 300, units = "in", width = 6, height = 6)
As you can see, the priors for model 1 are so wide that some of the resulting trajectories are not reasonable. The variation between individuals is so strong that the dose effect - which we programmed into the simulated data to exist - is swamped out. That could certainly be true for real data, sometimes there is just too much noise/variability to detect a pattern, even if it exists. But some of the trajectories produce virus load that’s just biologically unreasonable (note how high the y-values go.)
On the other extreme, the priors for model 2 allow so little variation that the individual-level variation is minimal and the only effect that is noticable is the dose dependence we assumed in our model (by setting
Model 3 produces the most reasonable trajectories, with both the dose-effect showing, and some variation between individuals.
Saving the simulated data
Finally, let’s combine all the simulated data into a single list containing all data frames, and save it. I’m also saving the parameters for each model, and sample sizes, so we can quickly retrieve them when we compare with the model estimates.
We’ll also save one of the plots (this is mainly so I can show it at the beginning of the tutorial).
# write all simulations to an RDS file
<- list(m1 = m1_dat, m2 = m2_dat, m3 = m3_dat, m1pars = m1pars, m2pars = m2pars, m3pars = m3pars, Nlow = Nlow, Nmed = Nmed, Nhigh = Nhigh)
simdat saveRDS(simdat, file = filename)
# also write one to a CSV file so I can use it with Julia
::write_csv(m3_dat, file = filenamecsv) readr
We’ll load and use the simdat
file in the next parts of the tutorial.
Summary and continuation
To sum it up, we specified several models that could be used to both fit and generate simulated time-series data for individuals that might differ by some additional factor (here, dose). We wrote some code that simulated data, which we then plotted to make sure it looks reasonable.
Of course, the main part of fitting the data is still missing. I had planned to do the whole process in a single tutorial. But it’s gotten so long that I decided to split the model definition and data simulation from the fitting. So as a next step, hop on over to part 2 where we now fit these models and simulated data.
Comment on terminology
I have been talking about 4 different models (or 5 if you count model 2a). As I’m sure you realized, some models are structurally the same, just with different choices for the priors. In a Bayesian framework, the priors (which includes choices for both the distribution and values) are part of the model, thus in that sense, model 1 and 3 can be considered different models, even if we only change the values for the variance priors. For the purpose of this tutorial I’ll take that perspective and consider them separate models. It also makes it easier to talk about them by giving each their own label/number.