2021-10-21 19:59:58

About me

  • Originally from Germany, moved to U.S. for graduate school - and never left 😄.
  • PhD in Physics at Georgia Tech, Postdoc in Computational Biology at Emory.
  • Since 2009, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Georgia.
  • Data analysis and modeling of infectious diseases on the population and individual host levels.
  • Mainly influenza and norovirus, some TB and other bugs. Recently also a lot of SARS-CoV-2.
  • More information:

Motivation for this talk

  • After 15+ years of basic science/research, I want to move towards more applied work.
  • To get that process started, I want to do a short term (approx. 8 month) industry “internship”.
  • This presentation is part of my looking for something effort.

Talk Overview

  • Part 1: Research on dosing for vaccines
  • Part 2: Various other projects (R packages, online courses)
  • Part 3: Q&A

Part 1 - Inoculum dose


  • Inoculum dose is an important determinant of infection and vaccination outcomes.
  • For infection, higher dose is often associated with greater risk of infection (ID50) and more severe outcomes (LD50).
  • For vaccines, dose is thought to impact both immunogenicity/efficacy and side effects (morbidity).

Important considerations I

  • Trade-offs between availability/safety and efficacy likely exist.
  • Impact of dose on vaccine efficacy might not be monotone.

Important considerations II

  • Impact of dose on homologous or heterologous protection might not be monotone.

Vaccine dose choice in practice

  • A few doses are explored in phase 1 and 2 trials.
  • Based on those data, one of the doses is chosen for phase 3 trials (and beyond) in a non-rigorous manner.

Claim: Knowing in more detail how dose impacts host response following vaccination might help optimize vaccines.

Assessing the impact of dose for influenza vaccines


  • Open cohort of individuals who were vaccinated (some repeatedly) during the 2014/15 - 2018/19 flu seasons.
  • The default vaccine was the trivalent or quadrivalent standard dose (SD, 15µg) Fluzone vaccine.
  • Individuals >=65 years were offered the high-dose (HD, 60µg) trivalent vaccine.
  • We evaluated immune response following vaccination, specifically antibodies as measured by hemagglutination inhibition assay (HAI).

Question: What is the impact of standard dose (SD) versus high dose (HD) vaccine on HAI antibodies?

Study population

“Raw” data - homologous responses

“Raw” data - heterologous responses

Outcomes of interest - strain-specific analysis

We investigate 4 antibody titer outcomes for each strain:

  • Titer increase following vaccination
  • Post-vaccination titer
  • Seroconversion, defined as pre-vaccination HAI titer <1:10 (limit of detection) and post-vaccination titer >= 1:40 OR a >=4-fold increase
  • Seroprotection, defined as post-vaccination HAI >= 1:40

All HAI titer dilution values are converted to a scale from 0 - N with limit of detection = 0, lowest dilution (1:10) = 1, etc. up to highest dilution (1:20480) = 12.

Outcomes of interest - vaccine-specific analysis

Same 4 outcomes as before, but now computed per overall vaccine:

  • For Seroprotection/Seroconversion: Sum across all strains, standardized (fraction from 0-1).
  • For post-vaccination titer and titer increase: The average across all vaccine strains.

Modeling approach

  • Linear or logistic multivariable regression
    • Outcomes as just explained
    • Main predictor/exposure is dose
    • Covariates are age, pre-existing HAI titer, sex and race
  • Hierarchical Bayesian framework
    • Vaccine level
    • Strain level
  • Accounted for repeaters indirectly through pre-vaccination antibody titers
  • Looked at difference or odds ratio between doses

Results - homologous response

Median and 89% equal-tailed credible interval

Median and 89% equal-tailed credible interval

Heterologous H1N1 titer increase

Heterologous H1N1 seroconversion

Vaccine-specific homologous response

Vaccine-specific heterologous response

Project Summary

  • HD seems to induce overall better homologous and heterologous responses.
  • Difference between HD and SD is not that large.
  • A good bit of variability is noticeable.
  • Only 2 dose levels do not allow for deeper analysis.
  • This is a secondary analysis of an observational cohort study.

Mechanistic simulation models to explore dose impact


  • What I presented so far was based on statistical analyses.
  • Statistical (phenomenological) models are useful to determine patterns and make limited predictions.
  • Going further toward mechanistic modeling can lead to more explanatory/predictive power.


For this project, the goals were to:

  • Develop a conceptual framework combining data with mechanistic models to investigate the impact of dose on infection dynamics.
  • Link the models to vaccine outcomes (protection and morbidity).
  • Illustrate how to use this framework to predict outcomes for a large range of doses.

We focused on viral infections as a stand-in for live attenuated vaccines.

The data I

Influenza A (IAV) infection in mice

Influenza A (IAV) infection in mice

The data II

Human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) in cotton rats

Human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) in cotton rats

Model diagram

Model equations

\[ \begin{aligned} \textrm{Uninfected cells} \qquad \dot{U} & = - bUV \\ \textrm{Infected cells} \qquad \dot{I} & = bUV - d_I I \\ \textrm{Dead cells} \qquad \dot{D} & = d_I I \\ \textrm{Virus} \qquad \dot{V} & = \frac{pI}{1+s_F F} - (d_V V + k^{'}_{A}A + b^{'} U)V\\ \textrm{Innate response} \qquad \dot{F} & = p_F - d_F F + \frac{g_F (F_{max} - F)V}{V+h_V} \\ \textrm{B cells} \qquad \dot{B} & = \frac{F V}{FV+h_F} g_B B \\ \textrm{Antibodies} \qquad \dot{A} & = r_A B - d_A A - k_{A}AV \\ \end{aligned} \]

Model calibration/fitting - IAV

Model fit to IAV data

Model fit to IAV data

Model calibration/fitting - HPIV

Model fit to HPIV data

Model fit to HPIV data

Mapping antibodies to protection

Mapping innate response to morbidity

We want to know morbidity (side effects/symptoms). We can map the innate response to it. \[ M = \int \frac{aF^c}{b+F^c} \]

Modeling the impact of dose

Conceptual model suggests that protection (and morbidity) might be peaked (left flu, right HPIV).

Project Summary

  • Well-calibrated mechanistic models might be useful to predict dose impact and optimize vaccines.
  • Immune responses vary for different infections/vaccines, thus models will likely need to be tailored.
  • Getting the right kind of data to properly build and calibrate models will be tricky.

More dose work

Part 2 - some other projects

R packages to make modeling easier

  • Dynamical Systems Approach to Immune Response Modeling
  • Dynamical Systems Approach to Infectious Disease Epidemiology (Ecology/Evolution)
  • modelbuilder

Online modeling/analysis courses


  • Collaborators:
    • Prior work: See published papers
    • Ongoing work: Yang Ge, Zane Billings, Ye Shen, Ted Ross, others
  • Funding:
    • NIH
