Analysis and Modeling to evaluate influenza vaccine responses




  • Zane Billings - for doing most of the work
  • Ted Ross, Andrea Sant - for data sharing
  • Many other colleagues and collaborators
  • NIH

Influenza heterogeneity

Factors that influence influenza vaccine responses

How do we define a vaccine response?

Pre-vaccination titer and vaccine response


  • More pre-vaccination titer leads to more post-vaccination titer, but reduced boost.
  • Called response blunting, antibody ceiling effect, negative interference.
  • For a nice summary, see Oidtman et al. 2021 Trends Mic


Pre-vaccination titer and vaccine response

Left: H1N1 vaccine, Right: H5N1 vaccine. Zarnitsyna et al 2015 Phil Trans B.

Pre-vaccination titer and vaccine response

Ranjeva et al 2019 Nat Com

Pre-vaccination titer and vaccine response

x-axis: titer increase. Left: H1N1, Right: H3N2. Moritzky et al 2023 JID.

UoR cohort - IgG titer increase

UoR cohort - HAI titer increase

H1N1 Pre-vaccination titer and boost

H3N2 Pre-vaccination titer and boost

Epitope-masking can explain some of those patterns

Zarnitsyna et al 2015 Phil Trans B, 2016 Plos Path.

Modeling pre-vaccination titer and heterologous vaccine response

Extension of the model can be used to explore predictions for heterologous response.

\[ \begin{aligned} \textrm{free antigen (type 1)} \qquad \dot{H_f} & = - k_1 A_1 H_f - k_2 A_2 H_f - d_f H_f \\ \textrm{bound antigen (type 1)} \qquad \dot{H_b} & = k_1 A_1 H_f + k_2 A_2 H_f - d_b H_b \\ \textrm{B-cell type 1} \qquad \dot{B_1} & = \frac{s_1 B_1 H_f}{p_1 + H_f} \\ \textrm{antibody type 1} \qquad \dot{A_1} & = g_1 B_1 -k_1 A_1 H_f - d_1 A_1\\ \textrm{B-cell type 2} \qquad \dot{B_2} & = \frac{s_2 B_2 H_f}{p_2 + H_f} \\ \textrm{antibody type 2} \qquad \dot{A_2} & = g_2 B_2 -k_2 A_2 H_f - d_2 A_2 \\ \end{aligned} \]

With \(k_2 = k_1(1-AD)\), \(s_2 = s_1(1-AD)\)

Modeling pre-vaccination titer and heterologous vaccine response

Extension of the model can be used to explore predictions for heterologous response for different antigenic distance (AD).

Heterologous vaccine response patterns - H1N1

Heterologous vaccine response patterns - H1N1

Heterologous vaccine response patterns - H1N1

Heterologous vaccine response patterns - H3N2

Heterologous vaccine response patterns - H3N2

Heterologous vaccine response patterns - H3N2

Epitope-masking can’t be the whole story

Pattern also seen for CD4 T-cells.

x-axis: titer increase. Left: H1N1, Right: H3N2. Moritzky et al 2023 JID.

Next steps

  • More careful comparison of model and data (fitting).
  • Extension of existing models to account for observed patterns in data.
  • Think about other important features (e.g., OAS/imprinting) and try to account for them in models.

Conceptual Framework

Bonus Slides

The role of prior vaccinations

  • There is some evidence that repeat vaccinations leads to reduced vaccine efficacy (VE).
  • Is the reduced VE mediated by antibody titers?
  • Repeat vaccinators mount a less strong vaccine response. But is that just because they start at a higher pre-vaccination titers?

Repeat vaccinations

No impact other than pre-vaccine antibodies?

Solid: recent vaccination. Open: no vaccination last 3 years. Linderman et al 2020 CSH

Repeat vaccinations

x-axis: titer increase. Teal: unvaccinated, Orange: previously vaccinated. Left: H1N1, Right: H3N2. Moritzky et al 2023 JID.

UoR - IgG


Repeat vaccinations - H1N1 HAI

Repeat vaccinations - heterologous H1N1

Repeat vaccinations - heterologous H1N1

Repeat vaccinations - heterologous H1N1

Repeat vaccinations and post-vac titers